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Growth Mindset Journals for Kids and Teens

Big Life Journal offers science-based journals for kids to help them grow their confidence and resilience. We've created growth mindset journals and bundles for different ages, from young children to teens. Our journals feature engaging activities, inspiring stories, and colorful illustrations meant to wire your kids' brains for resilience, gratitude, and self-love.

What is Growth Mindset?

Having a growth mindset means being able to view your struggles as chances to learn and grow. People with this mindset see "failures" as opportunities to try again.

The opposite of a growth mindsets is a fixed mindset. People with fixed mindsets feel their abilities and levels of intelligence are set in stone. When someone has a fixed mindset, they're prone to refusing to try new things, avoiding challenges, and becoming jealous of others' successes.

Having a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset is learned, not innate. If you’re worried your child or teen is struggling with a fixed mindset, there are ways to shift their thinking, including with a growth mindset journal.

Developing a Growth Mindset Through Journaling

Journals are places for us to reflect on our lives, what happened to us, and how we reacted.

We write about our successes, failures, what we wish had gone differently, and so forth. All of this is reflection, which is a significant part of improving our emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and overall confidence.

With a Big Life Journal, your child or teen can enjoy guided self-reflection while developing a growth mindset. The prompts and activities are designed with the help of psychologists to help your child develop a healthier way of thinking.

Big Life Journals Are Backed by Science

Our growth mindset journals for teens and children are science-approved. Children who use our journals and other resources have been shown to develop:

  • Higher self-esteem
  • Greater resilience
  • Strengthened love of learning
  • Lessened fear of failure
  • Willingness to take on challenges

We perform intensive research and continually work with child psychologists to ensure our Big Life Journals are nurturing a growth mindset. We're on our second edition, as we strive to evolve as the research does—and maintain a growth mindset of our own.

So you can help your kids and teens get the most out of their growth mindset journals, we have created guides to help parents and teachers work through the journals with their kids. We also have printables that can be used in conjunction with the journals, some as posters and others as projects.

We are so excited to begin this journey with you! Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or dive right in with our growth mindset journals, conversation cards, and more.